More Than One Night Read online

Page 5

  The warmth of his hand returned, along with gentle pressure. "Here's the thing, I don't feel that way around you. Like I said when we first met, I can't explain this, but I sure as hell want to explore wherever this takes us. I haven't been down this road in a long time. Kind of makes me feel like I'm on an adventure."

  His shy, gorgeous, ice-melting smile beamed straight into her heart, turning her insides into the equivalent of overcooked oatmeal.

  He could switch gears much quicker than she. Time to engage the deflection defenses and regroup. "At least you've had adventures. My idea of wild and crazy is a spy thriller with a steamy romance."

  Hurt flashed across his face. "This trip, these last couple of days…don't they count as an adventure?"

  The wildest adventure of my life to date. "Of course. I've never felt so—alive. Just as I only know Survival-mode Daniel, you've only met the newly christened Adventure Melodie, currently starring in her debut movie." Another sip finished off the sweet, frozen mug of liquid courage sitting in front of her. "As I'm sure you've guessed, I spend a lot of time with my nose in a book. Life makes more sense in the stories. The plots are well-thought-out, the hero always gets the girl in the end, good prevails, and evil pays. I like the nice neat bow tied around each one. As you've alluded, life…Well, life just doesn't happen that way."

  "Can I ask you a personal question?" The soft, calming tone of his voice reminded her of how she addressed the children.

  "As long as I don't have to promise to answer."

  He chuckled and lifted her hand to those satiny lips, placing a tender kiss to the back.

  Oh hell, now I'll answer, whether I want to or not.

  "Why haven't you had any adventures?"

  She closed her eyes to prevent him from seeing the pain of a childhood living in perfection's shadow. "Cause and effect."

  "My turn not to follow."

  He'd shared. It was her turn to explain. "Sibling rivalry at its finest. My older sister has been the proverbial golden child from the moment she entered the world with, and I quote, the easiest labor a woman ever endured."

  "Ouch. Let me guess, your entry into the world was…"

  "Long, painful and, of course, breech." Melodie couldn't help but laugh as she pictured her mother's dramatic face every time she told the story.

  "That covers the first day of life. From what I can see, you turned out stunningly beautiful, self-sufficient, and smart."

  She shrugged her shoulders, unsure how to make him understand. "No matter what I did, it was never good enough—never ambitious enough—never 'Evelyn' enough."

  "Evelyn enough?"

  A rueful smile, "My older sister. Valedictorian. Homecoming queen. Married the all-American quarterback. Delivered two equally beautiful grandchildren. And, lest we forget, the youngest woman at her firm to make partner. Need I go on?"


  "Exactly. I couldn't, didn't want to, compete with such perfection. Every guy who showed an interest in me during high school only did so to get close to my sister. So, I stopped dating and started reading." Except for Tom. "By the time college rolled around, the stories in my books were far more interesting than any of my interactions with real people. Much to my mother's disappointment and aggravation, I switched my major from accounting to library science."

  "Books are to you like gold is to King Midas."

  She nodded. "There's a treasure trove of information contained between the bindings. I love researching and discovering new details about life."

  "Just not living it."

  Well, he certainly knew how to read her. Of course, she wasn't all that complicated. She couldn't decide if the notion relieved or worried her. "No." She thought back to her days in the dorm. "I've never even stayed out all night before. How sad is that? It should be a rite of passage in college, shouldn't it?"

  Daniel's face lit up, dispelling some of the gloom surrounding their table. He signaled their waitress for the check. "Fortunately for you, makeup tests are available for those situations."

  His enthusiasm prompted excitement and a rapid pulse even if his words left her clueless. "And you've lost me again."

  "Let's get outta here. We'll put the top down and cruise over to Lake Ray Hubbard. We'll watch the sun set, then hit the open road again and see where we end up. Before you object, I promise Dr. Jekyll will be the one driving. I'll put Mr. Hyde in the trunk." He winked. "Well, unless you invite him to the party."

  She wanted to. It sounded like so much fun. "I don't know."

  "You got somewhere else to be?"

  Melodie opened her mouth to answer. She had absolutely nowhere else to be. No job to go to in the morning. No boyfriend waiting. No commitments. "Nowhere." Honesty was still the best policy, right?

  "Then come on. Let's do this." He reminded her of little Johnny Stephens when he begged her to read a story "Just one more time, Ms. Melodie." She'd never been able to refuse Johnny, and, so far, her record remained the same for the handsome man sitting across the table.

  "All right. You talked me into it." Not that she'd put up much of a fight. She needed to find a way to take back some control. Being out of control never proved a positive aspect in her life. Not even Daniel's charm would change that.

  As they walked toward the car, Melodie heard Evelyn's golden voice nagging in her ear. "Great idea, kiddo. Get in a car with a guy you just met, you barely know, and let him drive you to God knows where. I hope we can find your body."

  God, she hoped Evelyn wasn't right…this time.


  Heaven. Of all the places he'd been in the world, and he'd been to many, nothing compared with watching Melodie's face as the sun set over the lake. Her hair, a blanket of silk resting above her shoulders, now framed her face in wild, sexy disarray from the ride over. Her countenance registered pure bliss from the first moment the wind started whipping around her face.

  First time I've put that look on a woman's face and not been naked.

  She looked free, happy even. God help him, he wanted to be responsible for putting that look on her face every day and a look of need every night.

  The sky was a beautiful medley of purple and oranges as the sun prepared to skim the water before disappearing for the night. A final streak of yellow, the last remnants of the sun's rays coloring the blue lake, stretched out over the water, almost touching the land.

  "So breathtakingly beautiful." Melodie turned toward him. "Thank you for talking me into coming here."

  He couldn't stop himself. His hand smoothed wisps of hair from her cheek, tucking them behind her ear. "You're breathtakingly beautiful."

  Forcing himself to move slowly, he leaned toward her. He wanted to savor every detail of this moment. First, he kissed her temple focusing on the soft-as-silk hair. One more kiss there before anointing her forehead with the same deliberate attention. He respected her mind almost as much as he did her body. Cheeks, reddened from the hot Texas sun, warmed his lips before he moved to his final destination. Their lips touched. Absent the intensity from last night, warmth infused Daniel—like a pitcher being filled by a slow-running faucet, controlled and satisfying. Plenty of night left. No need to rush and scare her off again. He pulled away and kissed her gingerly on the tip of her nose. The warmth continued as she smiled, taking his hand before resuming her watch of the vanishing sunset. Though he wanted to only watch her, he forced himself to focus on the natural beauty in front of him.

  Fifteen minutes later, he squeezed her hand. "Ready to hit the open road?"

  "Oh yes."

  Was it possible for her eyes to light up brighter than the setting sun? Not even the most amazing sunset could tear him away from staring into her green, fathomless depths of light. Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic. Damn. Forty-eight hours with this woman and I've gone all soft. "Then let's not waste a single second."

  "You're crazy!" Melodie called out over the wind whipping around her face.

  "Crazy about you." He pushed the gas pe
dal a little harder to increase their current speed. Not another living soul or automobile could be found on Interstate 281 this time of night. His need for speed and Melodie's constant smile, as she stared up at the moon hanging brightly in the sky, represented the main explanation for his lead foot tonight. A run-in with a State Trooper wouldn't even dampen his mood right now. He'd gladly pay any ticket for the fun life had delivered over the past few hours.

  "Where are we going?"

  "San Antonio. We'll take a walk along the River Walk, find a late night diner to grab a quick bite, and then head back to Dallas. Should arrive in time to watch the sunrise. Sound good?"

  "Sounds amazing."

  Her unbridled joy washed over his war-hardened heart, bringing a sense of contentment. Other than honesty and respect, she'd asked nothing of him. Hell, she even paid for a round of drinks last night. He needed to be careful, or he'd lose himself in the worst kind of way in this woman. A way that meant he could never go back to the jaded man he'd become. Four hours later, Daniel pulled off the highway and took an incline ramp before turning into a "Share the Ride" parking lot. Lifting the hand Melodie still held, he kissed hers gently. "Ready to bring in the morning?"

  "I'll grab the coffee." She retrieved the two cups of Starbucks, extra-hot, they'd procured a couple exits back, along with some cinnamon scones.

  Daniel hurried to the passenger side and opened the door for her. "Your sunrise awaits, milady."

  "Where do you want to sit?" Melodie surveyed the limited options.

  Daniel opened the trunk and pulled out a blanket. He grinned as Melodie's eyes widened when he threw the blanket across the hood of the car. "C'mon. Best seat in the house."


  He nodded. "Seriously. Have I led you astray since our little adventure started yesterday evening?"

  Grinning, she handed him his coffee and the bag of scones and crawled up on the hood. Her first attempt almost landed her on the ground as she, along with the blanket, slid down the vehicle. "Oh!" Somehow, she managed to not spill the entire contents of her coffee.

  He tossed his coffee and the scones to the ground and caught her just in time to stop her fall straight to the asphalt. Making sure she had her feet under her, he picked the blanket up and repositioned it on the hood. "Let's try this again." This time, he scooped her into his arms, holding her close enough to enjoy the lingering scent of her perfume.

  "You really have to stop saving me." Melodie whispered, her body sliding close to his as they settled in for the sunrise.

  "I've saved countless people over the course of my life but none I've enjoyed more than you. Besides," he placed a soft kiss on her temple, "you don't need saving. You're a strong woman capable of taking care of yourself." Though true, a tug of protectiveness surged from deep inside. She might not need him to take care of her, but he wouldn't mind doing so.

  The bright rays of the sun peeked over the horizon, filling the darkness with radiating light, waking the world to another beautiful day. "Thank you for helping me ace this makeup test. Not only was it my first time to stay out all night, I can't imagine a better evening, and the morning is shaping up quite nicely."

  A buzzing noise broke into the perfection of their moment. Daniel needed only one guess to know who'd be calling him this early. He reached into his pocket to hit the ignore button.

  "Do you need to get that? It's gone off several times over the last few hours."

  "Nothing that can't wait until morning officially arrives. Now be quiet and share your coffee, since mine is watering the grass right now." Life was about to get very complicated…again. He wanted to enjoy these last few moments with Melodie. This time the annoying tug begged him to not screw this up.

  "You take yours with cream and sugar?" Melodie handed him the cup. Her eyes focused on his mouth as he took a sip.

  His face scrunched as he handed the beverage back to her. "Geez, woman. I like sweet, but your coffee could send a man into a diabetic coma."

  He sure as hell didn't need coffee with Melodie sitting right next to him. He pulled her into his arms, searing her lips with a kiss. The cup slipped from her hand, joining his on the ground below. His ego soared. She didn't need coffee either. His tongue swept across her mouth, and she opened to invite him in. Damn. Melt-in-your-mouth sweetness washed over his taste buds, turning his craving for her into an all-encompassing addiction. If he didn't get his fix soon…

  Nerve endings fired and his heart pounded violently in his chest. His sexy wallflower—a convertible Mustang—sunrise—kisses for caffeine. Didn't get any better than this.

  Breaking the kiss, she sat up. The sharp inhale of her breath said the kiss had affected her too. "Now neither of us has any coffee."

  Not exactly the comment he expected after a mind-blowing kiss. He ran his hands over his face and through his short-cropped hair. "With you in my bed, I'd give up coffee, caffeine, sugar—the list goes on."

  "We should get back. You have to take care of your persistent caller, and I need some sleep."

  Unsure why the quick need for distance, Daniel slid off the car and turned to face her. He opened his mouth to ply her with a smart-ass comment but, remembering his promise Mr. Hyde would stay locked in the trunk, he stifled the urge. "If that's what you want. Can I see you again later today? You promised to come to the JFK Memorial with me."

  Her face, bathed in the soft morning light, turned conflicted and indecisive. If this woman turned him down after he'd been on his best behavior…

  "Yes, I did. Pick me up around three?"

  He shook his head. "Six. You'll want to see the memorial in the evening when they turn the lights on. Mesmerizing is the only word I can think of to describe the sight."

  "Alright, six it is then." She hesitated before sliding off the car and turning to face him. "Thank you again for the wonderful time."

  His phone buzzed again. He knew who it was. No point in looking. He'd call her as soon as he dropped Melodie off and try to talk his way out of the hornet's nest Alana would surround him with as soon as she discovered the truth. And she would discover it because he'd tell her. After spending time with Melodie, time with Alana wasn't going to cut it anymore. Not that it ever did.

  "You really should respond to whoever's trying to reach you. What if it's your daughter?"

  "It's not."


  "No." This woman was relentless, and if she didn't stop, their adventure would end in a fight. Please, woman, let it go.

  "Then it must be the ex. Otherwise, why would you be so evasive."

  "Are you always this nosey?" He touched the tip of her nose with his finger. "You do have a very cute nose though." Misdirection—worth a shot.

  She shrugged. "I'm curious by nature."

  As if he hadn't picked up on that from almost hour one. "How about if I promise to fill you in over dinner tonight after we finish up at the memorial?" What the hell was wrong with him? Offering the truth about Alana? Closet masochist? No, something much more disturbing. Melodie made him want to be a better man, as cliché as that sounded. He'd break things off with Alana, come clean with Melodie, then pray she still wanted to continue their relationship or whatever in the hell this was called. Sexually frustrating comes to mind.

  "Am I going to want to hear this?"

  He cupped her face with his hands and pulled her into a tender kiss. "I keep telling you I want to explore whatever this is. In order to continue our…" He smoothed his hand down the gentle curve of her neck before stopping over her frantically beating heart, "exploration, I need you to understand who I am."

  She pulled him into another kiss, this one more intense.

  Forgetting about Alana, he immersed himself in their connection. Hot, sweet, and sexy as hell. He wanted and needed more of this woman, wanted to taste her and needed to alleviate some of the sexual tension and frustration that had been his constant companion since their first dance. Hell, maybe even before. Sweeping his tongue across her lips, he ta
sted the slightest hint of cream and sugar. When her lips parted slightly, he deepened the kiss, letting his tongue scrape across her teeth. He moaned, well, a combination of a moan and a growl. God, this was good. Damn good. Honestly, if he didn't have this woman soon…

  He pulled away, "If you don't plan on inviting me back to your room, then we need to stop."

  "I…I'm sorry."

  Damn, infuriating woman. He lowered his head to claim her in another fiery kiss. When her hands slid up his arms and around his neck to pull their bodies closer, Mr. Hyde broke the lock on the trunk and joined the party. He slid one hand into the tangled waves of her hair and the other to the curve of her bottom, holding her hard against him. She'd realize instantly how far gone he already was—how much he'd been holding back. He tore his mouth away, desire to take her to bed consuming every nerve ending in his body. "Don't be sorry, baby, just don't say good-bye yet."

  Her face showed conflict and indecision. He stretched in order to keep his hands busy and from touching her as she made her decision.

  I should win an award for being such a damn gentleman. The phone in his pocket buzzed again, breaking the spell.

  "We have to say good-bye as whoever is trying to reach you is growing impatient."

  As if on cue, the unrelenting vibration repeated against his thigh, a reminder of Alana's irritation and impatience. "Okay, but this discussion is far from over. Let's get you home before Mr. Hyde breaks completely out of the cage I've been keeping him in and has his wicked way with you."


  Daniel took a deep breath before slipping into the dark blue Cadillac. He made a mental note to have a word with his buddy about keeping his whereabouts private from the ladies, especially one as possessive as Alana. He didn't have proof a buddy had squealed, but it was the only way she could've known. No time like the present to face the music. "Hey, Alana, what's with blowing my phone up?"