More Than One Night Read online

Page 10

  "Where do you want to go?" He smiled. "I'd suggest my place, but since I checked out of the hotel this morning, that's not really an option."

  "You really are a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of guy, aren't you?"

  At her teasing, he hoped he hadn't misread her signals. He cupped her cheek, pulling her into a kiss. God, how he'd missed those lips. Soft, sexy, and sensual. She resisted at first—a move he totally expected from his cautious librarian. He may not know how to deal with all this psychological bullshit, but he knew how to kiss a woman. A soft mmmm from her confirmed his confidence in those abilities. Sliding his tongue over coffee-laden lips, he deepened their connection. The ache in his heart lessened each time he touched her and minimizing pain made the top of the priority list. He'd been right. Melodie provided a much better solution than alcohol. Blocking out all other thoughts, he concentrated on her smooth skin, intoxicating subtle scent, and the sinfully seductive sounds of her pleasure. The world could explode around him right now, and he wouldn't give a damn.

  Finally, she pulled away, staring at him from dark emerald eyes. "My place."


  Her hands trembled with the key as conflicting emotions, desire, and nerves waged a fierce battle in the forefront of her brain. Since returning from Texas, her world had transformed from black to grey and then somewhere in between as she found her courage to try again. Daniel's surprise visit to the library confirmed her faith in romantic gestures and, maybe, in love itself. Too much of her life had been wasted. No more time for regrets. No more living in Evelyn's shadow. No more avoiding life when it was standing right in front of her—looking incredibly handsome.

  "Finally," she chuckled when the lock gave way, and the door opened. "Don't mind the mess. I wasn't expecting company and…"

  Her words were cut off as Daniel swept her into his arms and carried her down the short hall. "Is the bedroom this way? I hope you didn't make the bed this morning because I intend to unmake it in grand fashion."

  "I…" she yelped as he dropped her unceremoniously onto the queen-size bed which, as he'd hoped, remained unmade.

  "I've missed you." His hands slid under her blouse, lifting until the material blocked her vision for a few moments before joining the T-shirt she'd slept in last night. Not even bothering to unfasten her bra, his fingers slid under the silk, exposing her to his gaze and, most importantly, his fiery touch.

  "Daniel…mmmm…missed you too." She arched her back as the warmth of his mouth suckled the enervated tip. "Sweet heaven."

  His hands deftly unbuttoned, unzipped, and undressed her bottom half. "I plan on taking you so high you have to look down to see heaven."

  Sitting up, she reached for him, tugging on the waistband of his shirt to free it from his jeans. "You're overdressed."

  "Looking to change that?"

  Her hands slid over his muscled chest, nails scraping against his flat nipples. Adrenaline surged at his sharp gasp from her bold move. "Like that?" she whispered. She certainly liked being strong with him and for him.

  She gasped as he lifted her off the bed. Her legs wrapped around his waist as strong hands cupped her bottom, holding her close.

  "I love it."

  His words slipped past any remaining objections her heart might offer. He moved their bodies until her back encountered the paneled wall of the bedroom, delightfully trapping her between two very hard surfaces. The prominent bulge of his denim-covered arousal taunted and teased her satin-clad center. "You're still overdressed."

  "Patience, my sexy wallflower. I have to admit, you look pretty damn good pressed up against this particular wall."

  She had no chance to reply as his teeth nipped at the sensitive skin behind her earlobe. Heat pulsed and fanned across her flesh, warming her entire being. Fingertips pressed into her thighs, holding her immobile against the short thrusts of his lower body. "Daniel…please."

  The moment he released her legs and she regained her balance, she pushed him backward until he fell onto the bed. This time need alone hurried her movements, driving her actions. The button and zipper on his jeans dealt with, she tugged until lean, muscled thighs appeared. "Condom?"

  "Wallet," he grunted as she finished undressing him.

  A quick scavenger hunt through the pile of clothes revealed the desired object. Moments later, he was ready. She'd been ready since they opened the front door.

  "Shit, you're sexy." His eyes swept across her body, burning her skin from the intensity of his gaze. She loved the way he looked at her and made her believe she was the most desirable woman on earth.

  Leaning forward she whispered, "Time to deliver on your promise of heaven."


  Warmth and a blissful fatigue settled throughout her soul. Her smile had to be more than a "the cat who got the cream" smile. She guessed it registered along the lines of a "the cat who stole the cream and drank every last drop" kind of contented smile. He'd probably gloat, but the smile wouldn't be tamed. Besides, he'd earned a little gloating.

  "What's the smile for?" Daniel kissed her damp forehead.

  "Admiring the view. You certainly delivered on your promise. Heaven is even more beautiful from this vantage point than I'd imagined."

  His fingers cupped her chin and brought her mouth to his for a gentle kiss. "Almost as beautiful as you."

  "So, where do we go from here?" The spontaneity of the moment past, she was eager to know where her relationship with him was headed.

  "Bathroom?" He moved from the bed with surprising grace and ease.

  Her eyes were drawn to the long, toned lines of his body. She was in so much trouble. "Out the door, second room to your right."

  He kissed her forehead. "Be right back."

  Not exactly what she'd meant by her question, but there'd be time to talk about what their future might look like later. Her stomach rumbled as she stretched. Food needed to factor in the plans for the immediate future. And after that? She sat up and tucked her knees in close, hugging herself. The action intensified the pleasure still humming through her body. She might never get enough of quality time with Daniel. Even their arguments invigorated her spirit and made each and every one of her senses come alive. He was wild where she was safe, spontaneous where she was routine, and unpredictable where she was steady. Could two opposites strike a balance?

  He returned a few minutes later with a warm cloth and tossed it in her direction.

  "Such a gentleman. Thank you. I'm thinking pizza should be next on the agenda."

  His focus rested on her dresser where various pictures, folded clothes, and a few days' worth of mail were lined nicely in organized stacks. Picking up the shirt on top of the clothing pile, he turned and winked. "I've been looking for this shirt. Were you planning on returning it at any point?"

  She grabbed her bra from the floor and the shirt from his grasp and slid into both with practiced ease. "It looks better on me."

  She blushed as his eyes darkened. "It sure does. Alright, you win. You can keep it."

  "Like anything special on your pizza?" She dialed the local pizza joint.

  "Any meat is good. No veggies."

  "Some veggies."

  "Fine, green pepper."

  After placing the order, she slipped on a pair of shorts and grabbed a couple of sodas from the fridge. She occupied the recliner, while he made himself comfortable on the couch. The whole scenario screamed cozy married couple. She fought the instinct to ask, "So, honey, how was your day?" For the first time, I can see myself as part of a couple. A subtle warmth filled her veins and washed over her with a feeling of contentment.

  "What's the grin for?" Daniel moved piles of books around on the coffee table to find the remote.

  "Not sure. I feel like an old married couple on date night. Sex followed by pizza and television time together."

  He stretched out the length of the couch and patted the area in front of him, inviting her to share the space. "Not quite an old mar
ried couple yet."

  "You sure there's room for both of us." Even as she asked, she moved over to the couch, lying next to him. He adjusted them until her body was half reclined over his.

  "See, plenty of room." Daniel pulled her close and snuggled in tight. "I love holding you in my arms. There's something so…"


  "Yes, comfortable."

  Her head resting on the pillow of his chest offered the strangest sense of peace. She wanted to stay like this forever. Not wanting to ruin such a perfect moment, but unable to not know the answer, she tilted her head toward his. "How long can you stay?"

  "How long do you want me to stay?"


  "I guess that depends on what you're looking for in a relationship with me. A friend? A bed buddy? A place to stay when you come to town?" Someone more permanent in your life?

  "All of the above." The arrogant smile returned with a vengeance.

  Her heart clenched in tandem with her jaw. She pushed against his chest and made a move to distance her body. Stirrings of doubt that Daniel could ever be involved in a long-term relationship erased the comfort and contentment of a few moments ago. "So, I'm better than a one-night stand, but you only want to be with me on an as-needed basis?" She fought against the rising heat of anger. "After everything that happened in Texas and you finding me, I thought you wanted more from life…more for us."

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her body close to his again. "Hey, hey. Relax. I swear, you really need to learn to calm down, or you're going to have a heart attack at a very young age. Are you always this quick to jump to conclusions?"

  Jerking her hand back, she moved to sit on the opposite end of the couch. "Only where you're concerned." Why is that? This man not only found but pushed every single button she owned, both good and bad.

  "Look. I flew all the way here, played private investigator, and gave you a beautiful view of heaven. Doesn't that at least say I'm interested in a relationship?"

  "The question is what kind of relationship?"

  Saved by the bell. She made it off the couch, grabbed her purse to pay the delivery guy, and then carried the pizza into the kitchen.

  Daniel followed close behind. "Paper plates?"

  "Cabinet on the right, on top of the regular plates."

  Their discussion on hold, Melodie filled glasses with ice as Daniel cleared the table from a week's worth of newspapers, flyers, and more mail. His recycling job halted, he held up an invitation for her inspection. "Sorry, almost tossed this by accident."

  Without even seeing the writing, the embossed cardstock provided her all the information she needed to know. She put a large slice of the Chicago deep-dish pizza on his plate and served herself before grabbing the card and tossing it in the bin. "You like Parmesan or crushed red pepper?"

  "No thanks. Why'd you throw that away? It was an invitation to a dinner and reception honoring your sister."

  She busied herself with a too-large bite of the cheese and crust goodness, taking her time before answering. "I'm not going."

  "Why not?" He followed her example and bit off a large piece, several strands of melted cheese connecting the portion in his mouth to the piece still in his hands.

  "Because the thought of another family get together honoring my big sis is more than I can handle right now. We'd begin with how wonderful and successful she is, lauding her latest accomplishment, followed closely by their attempts to hook me up with the latest eligible bachelor. And, lest I forget, mother would finish off the night with another lecture on how if I'd just apply myself and get a real job…"

  "Take me as a date."

  The soda left her mouth in projectile fashion at his offer. She blushed and grabbed a dish towel to wipe up the resulting mess. "What do you mean?"

  He grinned. "You know, guy accompanies girl to family shindig. Guy is incredibly handsome and full of Southern charm. Guy keeps family from picking on girl all evening. Guy brings girl home and gets laid as girl's way of saying thank you."

  She couldn't help herself. Her laughter filled the room. "You're very sweet and very much a Southern gentleman. Well, most of the time. I couldn't ask you to do that though."

  He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her soundly, making her forget all about the pizza, spilled soda, and family get-togethers. "You didn't ask. I'm offering. " His hand slid down her arm to her waist and under the T-shirt to cup her breast. "Let me do this for you. Think of the fun we'll have."

  If he kept touching her like this, she'd skip the party for the sole purpose of staying in bed with him. She nodded. "I'll try to not let them intimidate me if you won't either." The tingling swirled low in her abdomen. Could she be addicted to sex with this man? A mental note added sex addiction to the "to be researched" list.

  "Besides, I'd like to meet your sister and see what all the fuss is about." Daniel stood, slipping his arm under her legs to carry her, for the second time that evening, to the still unmade bed.


  The alarm playing a canned jingle woke him from the most pleasant of dreams. The aroma of lilacs permeated his senses and added to the warm feeling of contentment settling deep in his bones this morning. Melodie in his arms, the best part of waking up, no matter what Folgers wanted him to believe. He brushed strands of hair away from her cheek and feathered a kiss across her lips. "Good morning, beautiful."

  "Mmmm, not a fan of mornings." She turned in his arms and kissed him sleepily. "Especially when someone kept me up most of the night."

  "Didn't hear you complaining, unless you count calling out to a higher being repeatedly your cry for help."

  She smacked him on the arm before granting him another kiss. A moment later the covers were tossed, and she got out of bed.

  Already he missed her heat.

  "I'm not complaining about being kept up. I'm complaining about having to get up."

  "You can't call in sick?"

  "I just returned from vacation. Can't take any more time off right now. First the funeral. Then my trip…"

  He jumped out of bed and put his arms around her. "Shit. I'm sorry, Mel. Didn't mean to bring up bad memories." He didn't want anything he said or did to disturb their little slice of heaven.

  She kissed him on the cheek. "I know you didn't. It's going to take time—for both of us. Can you start the coffee while I shower?"

  He pulled her close, enjoying the way her body melded against his. Almost as if they were made for each other. "I could shower with you, save time."

  Her rich laughter filled the room. "I don't need research to know exactly zero time would be saved. Why don't you take that cute butt of yours into the kitchen and make some coffee?"

  Snapping to attention, he saluted and offered his best snarky grin. "Sir! Yes, sir!"

  "At ease, soldier. I'll be out in a few."

  Being around her kept his "soldier" anything but at ease. A small part of him, though, enjoyed playing house with her. Thirty minutes later, he'd not only made coffee but scrambled eggs and finished off the breakfast with buttered toast. Melodie emerged from the bedroom looking as beautiful as ever in navy slacks and an emerald green blouse that set her eyes off perfectly. Her hair, which looked amazing fanned out over her pillow as her head tossed back and forth in ecstasy, also looked presentable swept to the side in a loose braid.

  "You made breakfast too? You really are every woman's dream."

  "Tomorrow I'll make French toast. It's my daughter's favorite." He hoped she'd let him stay another night. He watched with delight as she took her first bite.

  "Oh sweet Jesus, you put cheese in these." The words purred from her mouth.

  Crap, this woman could make eating eggs sexy. "Yeah. Found some cheddar jack in the freezer. Hope that was okay."

  "Okay? It's fantastic. Are you secretly a chef too?"

  Moving into the chair opposite her, he swallowed some of the strong black brew. If he didn't change the subject, she'd be late for work. "Nah, bu
t when Annie's with me, someone's gotta feed us, right? I've picked up a few things over the years, thanks to her, especially the fact that cheese makes everything better."

  "You're a great dad. I can tell from the way your face lights up every time you mention Annie."

  He nodded. "She's a great kid. Makes it easier to be a great dad." He clasped his hand over hers. "I'm sure you're going to make a great mom someday too."

  Melodie pulled her hand back and picked up the giant mug of coffee. Her eyes flickered with some emotion. Pain? Anger? Remorse? The blinking and coffee mug prevented him from having enough time to dissect the response.

  "Thanks." She wiped her mouth and stood. "I should leave for work. Don't want to be late. I have a committee meeting first thing this morning." She leaned over and kissed him, brief and chaste. "What are your plans for today?"

  Skillful misdirection. Nice try. "I'm going to drive around and get familiar with the area and do a little shopping since I'm going to a party. What is appropriate attire for arm candy at an Alexander social event?"

  The acceleration of his heart when her hand swept across his chest lit fire in his veins. If she remained a part of his life, he could probably do away with caffeine entirely, if the adrenaline didn't kill him first.

  "I'm sure whatever you wear will be perfect." She leaned nearer, the heat from her body and the soft breath from her whisper sent the recently lit fire straight to his groin.

  Yes, without a doubt, going to kill him.

  "Just know it will never compare to the flesh and blood that rests beneath the clothes." She leaned over and kissed him. "There's a spare key in the pink bowl on the counter so you can get back in."

  The warmth of her kiss vanished when the door closed. He was alone. Alone with the dishes and his thoughts. I don't deserve her. Don't deserve this. Melodie had walked him to an emotional cliff, and he jumped off without looking, without so much as a damn parachute. Now, here he was playing domestic goddess and shopping for party clothes. What the hell had happened to him?